
Narmada River Stone Shivling -नर्मदा नदी के पत्थर (शिवलिंग )

नर्मदेश्वर शिवलिंग – सीधे पवित्र नर्मदा से आपके द्वार, मुफ्त डिलीवरी के साथ !

Narmadeshwar Shivling

Narmadeshwar Shivling is a very holy and charitable form made from the pebbles of river Narmada. That’s why this Shivling is call Narmadeshwar Shivling. This is a holy and miraculous Shivling to be install in the house.

Whose worship is very auspicious. This is Swayambhu Shivling, in which the Nirguna formless Brahma Shiva himself is establish. This Shivling is self-consecrate. Narmadeshwar Shivling is also known as Banalingam.

Table of Contents

Glory of Narmadeshwar Shivling || Narmadeshwar Shivling Story || Narmada Shivling Original

narmdeshwr shivling
2 inch narmdeshwar shivling
narmdeshwar shivling
3 inch narmdeshwar shivling

Banalingm is name after Banasura. It is the story of ancient times. There was a demon name Banasura.Who use to do devotion to Bhole Nath.

Banasura was a demon of the clan. But Bhaktaraja believed in God because of Prahlad’s dynasty.

Once Banasura performed intense austerities of Lord Shiva Shambhu, which pleased Lord Bhole Nath, and asked Banasura to ask for a boon.

So Banasur said to Bhole Nath that you provide me the Shivling, then Bhole Nath built the Shivling, Banasura told Bhole Nath that you will always be in the form of this Shivling.

Then Bhole Nath delighted and said that I will always be seat as this Shivling. Banasur was happy and took Shivlinga with him and worship him on a mountain call Amarkantak.

Narmadeshwara Shivling

This fell from the Shivling mountain and started flowing in the river, but river no one else was Maa Narmada herself, because the mother Narmada has emerged from Amarkantakaparvat.

Shivling was brought by Banasura. Hence, they were also name Banling and due to their flow in the Narmada, they are call Narmadeshwara Shivling.

Narmadeshwar Shivling is one such Shivling. Which keeps generating positive energy.worshiping narmdeshwar shivling worships all the deities.Narmadeshwar Shivling is the form of Lord Shiva. Whom Lord Shiva is please by worshiping.And fulfills every wish.

Narmadeshwar Shivling || Importance of Narmada Shivling

According to the scriptures, the virtue that comes from worshiping thousands of soil shivling.The same is attain by the mere sight of The virtue Narmadeshwar Shivling.

The Narmadeshwar Shivling is worship by bringing it directly from the Narmada.

The one who installs the Narmadeshwar Shivling in the house gets all the comforts and there is an atmosphere of peace in the family.

Whatever house Narmadeshwar Shivling resides in, the grace of Lord Bhole Nath always remains in that house.

Every Kankar “Shiv Shankar” of Narmada – Gangas, Yamuna, Narmada and Saraswati are the holy rivers in India. Of these, there is no river that equates the Ganges on this geosphere.

the puranas state that| In ancient times, the river Narmada decided to become like the river Ganges, and Narmada started doing austerities of Brahma Ji.Because Brahma ji is such a deity.

Which is famous for boons.When any god or demon has to get a boon,so they use to meditate on brahma ji. Therefore Maa Narmada also did penance of Brahma ji and pleased Brahma ji.

History of Narmada || narmadeshawr stone Shivling Manufacturer from Khargone

Then Brahma ji asked Narmada to ask for a boon, then Narmada said that make me sinless and worshipable like Ganges river. By which people should worship me and my name is known, then Brahma Ji said that there can be no equal in this world.

Can there be another man like Lord Vishnu? Can any other god equal to Lord Shiva? Or there may be another woman like Goddess Parvati. Hearing of Brahma ji, Narmada ji left from there.

After that Maa Narmada establish Shivalinga at Pilapila Tirtha(kashi puri) to appease Bhole Nath and started penance.Then Lord Shiva was very please with the penance of Narmada, and asked to ask for a boon, then Narmada said that God bless me that my devotion should always remain at your feet.

Lord Shiva Shankar was very please to hear the talk of Narmada. and Said that all the Kankaras in your bottom will become Shankar.And just by your philosophy, all sins will be destroy.

After saying this, Lord Shankar became absorbed in the same Shivalinga forever. And Mother Narmada also very happied to receive such boon and purity. Since then, Kankar of Narmada is worship as Shankar.Which is call Narmadeshwar Shivling.

Benefits of worshiping Narmadeswara Shivling and setting up at home || Narmadeswara Shivling pooja at home

narmdeshwar shivling

Narmada River is consider to be the holiest river in India. Because the virtue that one gets by bathing in the Ganges river, the same virtue is attain only by the sight of the river Narmada, because the river Narmada is considered to be the daughter of Lord Shiva.

Therefore Lord Shiva has special grace on the river Narmada. Narmada also has the boon that every stone coming out of Narmada will be consider a symbol of Shiva.

The Shivalinga originating from the Narmada, we call it Narmadeshwar Shivling. All the positive energy is contain in the Narmadeshwar Shivalinga,.

Narmadeshwar Shivling does not require pranapratishtha,  it can By bringing from Narmada and install in the house.Narmadeshwar Shivling is self-contain.

On whose worship Lord Bhole Nath is please. Narmadeshwar Shivling is the formless form of God  shiv himself.

Which is said to give very auspicious results. Lord Bhole Nath himself is seat in the Narmadeshwar Shivling.Who fulfills all the wishes of his devotees.

Where and how the Narmadeshwar Shivling is made || Narmada stone shivling

narmdeshwr shivling

After knowing all the glory of Narmadeshwar Shivling, you must be wondering where and how Narmadeshwar Shivling is make. So we’re going to tell you. Complete process of construction of Narmadeshwar Shivling.

The Narmada river which flows in Madhya Pradesh. In its Khargone district there is a Bakawan village situate on the banks of river Narmada.

This village is located 25 km away from Kasrawad tehsil of Khargone district. Here out of 4808 population, 300 to 400 people are engag in the construction of Shivling.

Narmadeshwar Shivling is make only in Bakavan village all over the world. Narmadeshwar Shivalinga is make of stones emanating from the bottom of Narmada.

Due to the strong flow of the Narmada river, big stones collide with each other and take the form of an oval, which is consider very sacred.

Original Narmadeshwar shivling ||  Identification of original Narmadeshwar Shivling .

Which the people of the village take out from the bottom of the river Narmada. And they are carve by the artisans.Due to the nature of the Shivling being in the oval form, it is easy to carve. Narmadeshwar Shivling is found in many colors like brown, black color, almond color or blue color.

Narmadeshwar Shivling is a Siddha Shivling in itself. Which is a natural creation. The stones that come out of the Narmada. After carving them by the craftsmen, many types of shapes emerge.

The shape of “Om” or the shape of Tilak emerges in Narmadeshwar Shivling. The shape of “ॐ” is rarely seen. Because “Om” itself is a symbol of Bhole Nath.

And apart from this, the most unique thing about the Shivling built in Bakavan is that the Shivling made here is not of any ordinary form.

If you look carefully at the Shivling make here, then many types of shapes can be seen on them. Like Om, Swastik, Nag, Ganesha, Shivparvati, Ardvanareshwar form of Shiva, many such types of figures are seen.

Narmada banalingam

The length of Narmadeshwar Shivling is make according to the demand of the buyers. Narmadeshwar Shivling is make from 1 inch to 11,12 feet, the bigger the Shivling is to be make, the bigger the stone is remove from Narmada.

Narmadeshwar Shivling is self-styled god. Those who do not need to be proven, they can be brought directly and worshipe.

Narmadeshwar Shivling is also mention in the Puranas. Narmadeshwar Shivling has been construct in Bakwan village situate on the banks of Narmada all over India.

Because here Shivling is being look after for centuries. Mother Narmad has such grace on village Bakawan that Shivling is made here without any hindrance.

Attempts have been made by other villages to make Shivling, but there the stones break on carving.

black Narmadeshwar Shivling

The Shivling obtained from the lap of Mother Narmada is of many colors and sizes. In which the most special black Narmadeshwar Shivling is there. This is a special type of Shivling obtained from the bottom of Maa Narmada.

Which ranges from one inch to 15 feet. Shivling is shap by artisans by taking out black color stones from the stones coming out of Maa Narmada.

Keeping and worshiping black Shivling in the house destroys all the evil forces and positive thoughts come in the mind.

Black Narmadeshwar Shivling should be install in the house to get the grace of Lord Bholenath and to destroy all the evil forces. Only 4 inch Narmadeshwar Shivling should be install in the house.

What is Shivaling and Jaladhari || Narmadeshwar Shivling with Yoni

narmdeshwar shivling with yoni

You all have learned about Narmadeshwar Shivalinga, but a thought may be coming in your mind that you will buy Shivlinga, but the shivlinga is place on altar. What is it call? and  what is the secret of Shivling and Jaladhari, which are always keep together.

Shivling is a symbol of Lord Shiva.Which is the ultimate welfare.Shivalinga is a  infinite form. Which contains the energy of the entire universe.

Which creates the whole universe.Shivling is the infinite form of Lord Shiva. Shiva means ultimate welfare and Lingam means  is a symbol of Shiva.

Similarly, there is the form of Jalahari (Mata Parvati).that Mahamaya generates the whole world. And possesses the power of creation and destruction of the universe.Shivalinga and Jalhari Mata are the infinite single form of Parvati and Bholenath.

One who maintains balance in all the universe. Shivalinga and Jaladhari are also consider as a symbol of equality of man and nature.

Because the universe is compos of power and matter. Our body is built up matter, and the soul is built up of energy. Similarly, man and nature are also complementary to each other.

According to Purano

– When Mother Sati is humiliat in the meeting of her father Daksha, she burns her body in the fire. Then this information is given to Bhole Nath by the gods, then Bhole Nath loses his consciousness.

And start wandering in the forest unconsciously He keeps on walking unconsciously, forgetting everything like Varagio

One day while walking, he went to a forest called Daruk, where the wives of the sages  saw Bholenath in a sensual state of undress, and the wives of the sages started fleeing here and there.

Then the sage came there and saw Bhole Nath in such a state, then he said why do you do the work against this Vedas who spoil the path, then Bhole Nath did not say anything and stood calm.

Then the sages got angry and curse that your ling would be cut and fall on the earth.At the curse, Lord Bholenath’s penis fell on the earth and start burning like fire.

All the gods were frighten and went to Brahma ji and narrat all the stories to Brahma ji

History of bholenath

Then Brahma Ji sent everyone to Bhole Nath. When all the gods went to Bhole Nath, Bhole Nath said that all of you, go to Goddess Parvati to  Prayer. That can solve some problems.

Then all the gods started the prayer of Goddess Parvati.Mother Parvati was very happy to hear the prayers of all the Gods and said for what purpose you all came.

Then the gods told the story of Bhole Nath’s curse.  then goddess parvati  wears lord bholenath penis into her vagina. since then Shivalinga and Jaladhari are worship together.

Narmada banalingam || narmada shivling

The Narmada stone also has a historical significance. The Narmada stone is also call Narmadeswara Shivling or Banalingam.

In Hinduism, Lord Shiva is known as the God of Gods. Those are please by worshiping the stone emanating from the Narmada in the form of Shivalinga.

Because Narmada stones have a fraction of Bhole Nath. Which are call Shiva forms. Therefore, Narmada stones are worship as Shivalinga. Narmada stones are found only in the Narmada River, because Narmada has the blessing of Shiva.

These stones are smooth and shiny. From which a type of energy is generat. There is also a feature of the Narmada River, that it flows below and in the opposite direction.

Swyambhu narmadeshwar shivling || narmada shivling

 The flow of Narmada is in the opposite direction from the point of origin of Narmada. Due to the flow of Narmada towards the bottom of the ground, the water of Narmada flows by friction towards the rocks.

The stones in Narmada, due to friction and continuous flow of water, the Narmada stones become round. Which takes the form of Shivling in an oval form.

Which is call Swayambhu Narmadeswara Shivling. Those who are receive from the Narmada River as the blessings of Bholenath.Bringing the Narmadeshwar Shivalinga stone home and setting it fulfills all desires

Benefits of Narmada Lingam Stone

  • The special thing about this Narmada lingam is that it increases concentration. Those who do not feel like working if they keep this Narmada Ligam Stone in the house or office as a Shivling, will increase their concentration and will get success with work.
  • Worshiping the lingam stone of this Narmada in the form of Shivalinga leads to the growth of knowledge through the grace of Shiva.
  • Visiting the Narmadeshwar Shivaling and saluting also makes a man well.
  • By worshiping for long time, the physical strength of man increases
  • Shiva lingam from Narmada keeps flowing positive energy. Which keeps away negative energy

Natural Narmadeshwar Shivling

Narmadeshwar shivling

Maa Narmada is consider one of the sacred rivers of India. Because the sight of Maa Narmada destroys all sins of human beings, that’s why Pandit “Kamal Kishore Nagar” the famous saint of Nimar says, “Mother-Ganga washes sins, and Mother-Narmada washes disorders”.

The mother-Narmada originates from Amarkantak and finally meets the sea. Maa-Narmada is always rever from mythological point of view, so devotees also take the stone-kankar found in Narmada as Shankar and worship it with reverence, that is why it is said in the scriptures that ‘as many as Narmada Kankar, as many as Shankar ‘.

That is why lakhs of devotees perform Aarti in the morning and evening of Mother and Narmada. And at the same time many devotees revolve around Maa Narmada to fulfill their wishes.

Narmadeshwar shivling

By the way, a lot of amazing stones come out of Maa Narmada, in which different inscriptions remain on each rock – as if someone remains janeu on top, then the trident of Lord Bhole Nath is made on someone and All these stones are call natural Narmadeswara Shivling,

some of these stones are call the original Narmadeshwar Shivling, and some are call Narmada Banalingam

Therefore, we can simply say that all the stones of Maa Narmada are sacred and miraculous, whatever its name may be.

Natural Narmadeshwar Shivling Important Facts

  • You can get stones from any place of natural narmadeshwar shivling.
  • The natural narmadeshwar shivling is small in size.
  • The natural narmadeshwar shivling is an amazing stone in itself. Whose kindness can relieve all your troubles.
  • You can wear the natural narmadeshwar shivaling of Maa Narmada as a pendant around your neck and a bangle in your hand, which destroys all the bad thoughts in your mind and gives you success in your work.

Where to buy narmadeshwar shivling ||where is narmadeshwar shivling found || where to get narmadeshwar shivling

Bakawan is a only place those manufacture narmadeshwar shivling and export worldwise therefore Nowadays you can see that.

lots of people are selling online narmadeshwar shivling from worldwide therefore you can purchase online narmadeshwar shivling from anywhere according to your choices.

If you want to narmadeshwar shivling buy online from us so you can contact us becuse we export worldwide narmadeshwar shivling.and you can also buy original narmadeshwar shivling offline from our shop

bakawan Narmadeshwar shivling

The stones coming out of the Narmada River are call Narmadeshwar Shivling. Because Narmada River is one such river in the world.

Out of which stones form the Shiva form, which is the manifestation of Lord Bholenath. This Shivling is very pure and powerful.

Out of which positive energy keeps flowing. Narmadeshwar Shivling is found between Omkareshwar and Maheshwar, situat on the banks of river Narmada, in the village of Bakavan, which is famous even abroad.

In Bakawn village, foreigners come to see and buy Narmadeshwar Shivling. The stones of Narmada are cut by the people of the village. , Finishing and polishing gives the shape of Shivling.

The stones originating from the Narmada were earlier the size of Shivling. But now due to the construction of dams in Narmada, the water of Narmada does not flow as fast as before and the stones are not fully shape like Shivling.

They are carv into the shape of Shivling by machines from the people of the village. On carving the stones of Narmada, in it, the shape of the moon, “ॐ” shape, Tilak’s shape and figure like Hanuman’s picture are seen emerging. In which the Shivling with the shape of “ॐ” is very expensive and rare.

Narmadeshwar Shivling Price || How to buy Original Narmadeshwar Shivling

Narmadeshwar Shivling is price base on the size of Shivling. The larger the Shivling. Its price also remains the same. Shivling ranging from 1 inch to 16, 17 feet is made in Bakawn.

The artisans who manufacture the Shivling make the Shivling size on the demand of the customer.

The larger Shivalinga the customer demands. The artisans likewise bring the stone out of the Narmada.And the stones originating from Narmada give the form of Shivling. Earlier, stones used to come out of Narmada in the shape of Shivling.

But now Narmada stones have to be shape like Shivling. Only then are they properly install on the altar (Jalhari). In Bakawn, Shivling is found from Rs 10 to Rs 3 lakh. The price of Shivling varies depending on their size.

Small Narmadeshwar Shivling –

Hello friends, today we will tell you about the small Narmadeshwar Shivling, and its benefits and what is use of small narmadeshwar shivling.

small narmadeshwar shivling is a small stone of narmada river stone those is use for worship in home, because according to shiv puran we should keep only small narmadeshwar shivling in the home for worship as well as we can keep this small narmadeshwar shivling in the office. we can also wear small narmadeshwar shivling pendant and lockets for positive thoughts.

Small Narmadeshwar Shivling Benefits

  • Narmadeshwar shivling is a very auspicious and miracles Shivling.
  • Small narmadeshwar is very useful for remove negative thoughts from mind
  • small narmadeshwar shivling locket and pendant is use for good health and

you can purchase small narmadeshwar shivling from anywhere online.

shivling for home || can we keep narmadeshwar shivling at home|| Best Narmadeshwar Shivling for home

According to shiv puran we can keep narmadeshwar shivling at home but we should keep follow some things before keep narmadeshwar shivling at home like.

  1. we should keep small size narmadeshwar shivling at home for worship and his size should maximium 4 inchs.
  2. we should keep narmadeshwar shivling at clear & clean place

Narmadeshwar shivling for temple

Narmadeshwar shivling is a very miracles and pure shivling. therefore he is use for multipurpose.and therefore you can keep narmadeshwar anywhere according to your choices like home, temple and office.
If you want to keep narmadeshwar shivling in temple, So you keep big size of shivling in the should also shiva family with narmadeshwar shilving

Narmadeshwar shivling mantra – If you are doing worship in the home, so you should chanting 108 times om namah shiva mantra with rudraksh garland.

Narmada shivling set

If you are planning to have Narmadeshwar Shivling at home, so there are some things you should know before keeping Narmadeshwar at home.

  • You should not keep the Narmadeshwar Shivling alone in the house, but rather keep the Narmadeshwar shivling with the Shiva family, because worship of Narmadeshwar Shivling is incomplete without the Shiva family.
  • you should always keep narmadeshwar shivlng on base or stand

Narmadeshwar shivling importance

Narmadeshwar Shivling is very holy and miraculous. Which is receive from Narmada river. That’s why it is call Narmadeshwar Shivling. This is the holy and miraculous Narmadeshwar Shivling to be install in the house.

Narmadeshwar shivling benefits || narmada shivling benefits

Just as the benefit that is obtain by worshiping thousands of soil Shivling, he gets the same benefit from the mere sight of Narmadeshwar Shivling.

  1. Worshiping Shivling in the house gives you prosperity and wealth and wealth.
  2. Children’s brain is develope by offering sugary milk on Narmadeshwar Shivling.
  3. Putting wheat on the Shivling gives the son Ratan
  4. By offering honey, you get relief from diseases like diabetes
  5. By founded the Narmadeshwar Shivling in the house, you should lighting a lamp in front of the shivling daily in the morning, by this you got shiva- loka
  6. Worshiping Shivling with Belpatra fulfills all wishes.
  7. Narmadeshwar Shivalinga is anoint with Panchamrit to remove obstacles.

How to worship narmadeshwar shivling || Shivling pooja at home

  1. We should keep the Narmadeshwar Shivling clean and open in the house, there is peace in the house. And there are no bad obstacles in the house.
  2. Shiva linga should always be worshipe with complete law and legislation, otherwise keeping it in the house can lead to many types of damage.
  3. Keeping the Shivling equal to the thumb thick and 4 inches in the house is such to be very auspicious. Therefore, one should not keep a very large size Shivling in the house, rather a small Narmadeshwar Shivling should be install. The length of the Shivling should not be larger than the knuckles above the thumb of the person’s hand.
  4. Tulsi, turmeric and ketaki flowers should never be offer on the Narmadeshwar Shivalinga, because it is mention in Purani that Lord Bole Nath should not offer this flower.
  5. According to Shivpuran, we should not keep more than one Shivling in our house.
  6. While changing the place of Shivling, touch its feet, and fill Ganga water in a vessel and keep the Shivling in it. If the Shivling is create of stone, then anoint it with Ganga water
  7. If you have a Shiva Linga made of metal, make sure that it is create of gold, silver or copper, and a snake made of metal is wrapper in it.

Frequently Asked Questions ->

How big should the Shivling be keep inside the house?

According to Purana, it is consider very auspicious to keep a Shivling in the house as thick as the thumb and 2 inches to 4 inches. One should not keep big size Shivling in the house, rather a small Narmadeshwar Shivling should be establish. The length of Shivling should not be more than the thumb of the person’s hand.

How much is Narmadeshwar Shivling available?

The price of Narmadeshwar Shivling is take on the basis of its size, the bigger the Shivling is, the more it costs like –

materialnarmada stone
size4 inch

What happens if Narmadeshwar Shivling is keep at home?

Establishing Narmadeshwar Shivling in the house brings happiness, peace and prosperity. And by the grace of Bholanath all wishes are fulfill. We must install Narmadeshwar Shivling in the house.

Can we wear Narmadeshwar Shivling locket?

Yes we can wear Narmadeshwar Shivling Locket as it is self-evident. They can be bought directly and worn without chanting any mantras. Women, men and children can wear people of any zodiac sign.

What is the difference between white Shivling and black Shivling?

Whether the Shivling is white or black, it is the form of Bholenath, according to Purana, white Shivling helps to remove bad thoughts. And black color also absorbs other colors, so the importance of black stone Shivling increases even more.

Where can Narmadeshwar Shivling be obtain?

Narmadeshwar Shivling is found in Bakawan village of Khargone district of Madhya Pradesh, which is the original Narmadeshwar Shivling. You can also buy online from our website.

How to identify Narmadeshwar Shivling?

Narmadeshwar Shivling is found in many colors, it appears shiny and smooth and natural shapes emerge on it, such as the shape of Om, the shape of Janeu, the shape of Tilak, the shapes of many gods and Goddess are visible.

How to establish Narmadeshwar Shivling?

Narmadeshwar Shivling can be take out directly from Mother Narmada and install in the house. Because they do not require life-consecration because they are self-manifest Shivling. It is such that where Narmadeshwar resides. Fear and Yama do not wash there.

Which is the best Shivling to keep at home?

The best Shivling to keep at home is Narmadeshwar Shivling which is the real form of Bholenath. Positive energy flows from this Shivling. Which keeps negative energy away from home. And the atmosphere of happiness and peace remains in the house.

What is the importance of Narmadeshwar Shivling?

boon given to Maa Narmada, this Shivling is obtain from the bottom of Maa Narmada. Which are very holy Shivling. By worshiping whom the power of human beings increases. And by offering blue lotus luck rises. Narmadeshwar Shivling is also mention in Puranas.

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